The Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church is committed to protect and respect all of its members’ data privacy. We are at the forefront of implementing and complying with the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Privacy Notice

No personal information will be collected when you visit our website. Personal information may only be collected when guests attend our Coming Togethers on site. Pictures posted in all our social media platforms are pictures of Lighthouse BBC members doing the work of the Lord and believe in showing the grace of God in their lives through these pictures. However, if there are any Lighthouse BBC members who wishes to remove their pictures from our social media platforms may do so by informing our Data Privacy Officer.

We ensure that our church members and guests are able to exercise their data privacy rights for personal data that may have been collected and stored.

Only authorized Lighthouse BBC staff may have access to these personal data and will be stored in a database system.

Data Protection Officer’s Contact Details: