A core teaching of the Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church is turning God-given talents into God-glorifying gifts through the grace of God; teaching each and every member to be available and willing to do His work through the various opportunities and ministries presented inside and outside the church.
Greetings from the Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church! Join our weekly services via LIVE! video streaming straight from our church auditorium in Tatalon, Quezon City, Philippines. Feel free to browse through our online facility so you may know the activities and ministries that we do. It is our desire to share with you the joy and peace of knowing and having the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour.
You are welcome not only to this website but to our church as well. We would love to see you at the Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church. Have a blessed day!

Dr. Reuben M. Abante
Bishop of Lighthouse BBC


Ministry of the Word
The proclamation and sharing of the God's Word wherever people are...through all forms of communication from the pulpit to all media platforms
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Ministry of Serving
The use of physical gifts (skills and labor) in all sphere and area of service.
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The Great Lighthouse Foundation, Inc.
The Great Lighthouse Foundation, Inc. (TGLFI) serves as a vehicle to help reach out to the less fortunate, destitute, marginalized and underprivileged members of our society in general and the LBBC in particular; with the ultimate goal of preaching God's Word that some might thereby know and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour.
Learn more"Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."